Investigating the marketplace, exploring problems, Data gathering & analysis for a better understanding of the market, competitors, consumers, suppliers, sale dealers and anything that would help companies to prosper in the market. IRC Team with almost two decades of experience and widespread reach of their branches is able to conduct Marketing Research project with the high quality in shortest time.
Research Necessity:
- Fierce competition and the competitors who possibly have more information than you
- Wide range of consumers’ attitude and which affects your potential market size
- Fragile customers’ loyalty which possibly make them to switch their brands
- High costs of advertisement and other means of communications methods to reach consumers
- Other reasons such as emersion of the new media and life style change
Research Methodologies
Quantitative Research
- FTF Interview
- Telephone Interview (TI) & (CATI)
- Online interview (web survey/mail survey)
- Group interview (Gang Survey)
- Central Location Test (C.L.T.)
- Postal interview
- Panel Survey
- Consumer Diary
- Retail Audit
- Other (Retail Census, CAPI, …)
Qualitative Research Methods
- Focus Groups Discussion (FGD)
- In-depth interviews (IDI)
- Structured observation
- Brain Storming
- Mystery shopping
- Home Visit
Desk Research
Title of Projects
- Market Size, Market Share, Market Segmentation
- U & A (Usage and Attitude) research
- Concept Test
- Product Test
- Retailer’s surveys
- Price Study
- Product Testing (Quality, Packaging, Color, Taste, …)
- B2B & B2C Research
- Brand Image study
- Customer Satisfaction
- Product Test at Home
- Pre Test Advertising
- Social survey
- Media Research & Media Monitoring
- Advertising Effectiveness Analysis